Monday, March 2, 2015


Keybot the Quant remains long moving into the Tuesday session. The bulls pushed copper higher with JJC up to 32.28 creating the afternoon stock market rally. The bull-bear line in the sand is JJC 32.01. UTIL is under the 596 level in play all this week so that creates market negativity. The algo is now tracking UTIL 573.33 as another bull-bear level of import. UTIL is at 583.20. Thus, bulls need UTIL above 596 and/or GTX above 3390 to receive upside fuel. Both of these appear difficult so the stock market upside may be limited.

Bears need to push UTIL under 573.33 and/or JJC under 32.01 to take control of equities. If either UTIL drops under 573.33 or JJC under 32.01, either one will do, and the SPX drops under 2105, Keybot will likely flip short. If either of these two parameters turn bearish consider the imminent turn notation to be in play. If UTIL stays above 573, and JJC above 32.01, status quo, equities will float sideways to sideways higher.

For the SPX starting at 2117, the bulls need less than one point higher to accelerate a move several handles higher so watch to see if the S&P futures are positive overnight which will point the way to bull victory on Tuesday. The bears need to push under 2105 to accelerate the downside. A move through 2106-2116 is sideways action.

3/6/15; 9:00 AM EST =
3/2/15; 9:36 AM EST = +68; signal line is +61

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